Yandiki, a Company Wagering it All on Millennials’ Home Offices

This Argentine woman and specialist in corporate communications has created Yandiki, a company that allows members of the millennial generation, or “Millennials”, and others who desire more flexibility in their careers to work from anywhere in the world.

Before the switch to telecommuting, Moschini worked as a corporate executive in both her home country and the United States, in multinational corporations like Compaq, Patagon, and Visa.

While acting as Latin America’s Vice-President of Communications at Visa, she left her promising career there to wager it all on technology and entrepreneurship.

The shift was not easy, she admitted, but Moschini wasn’t intimidated. And even though she had to start from scratch, she was certain that the internet was revolutionizing all aspects of our lives, including work.

“When you work for a company, you have backup. As an entrepreneur, on the other hand, in addition to coming up with your idea, you must learn many other things such as business planning, finance and cash flow, contracts, and other aspects you will need to be able to operate as a business”, stated the entrepreneuress during an interview with EFE.

In 2003, Moschini founded Intuic, an online marketing and visibility agency which provides public relations and social media services to clients such as Google, Twitter, CA Technologies, and others.

“An entrepreneur is a person who has a vision for making changes – in that sense they are different than small business owners – they are game changers”, she affirmed.

With that ‘rock-the-boat’ spirit Moschini founded Yandiki, a creative talent recruiting company whose focus is on “millennials” and other professionals who seek more career flexibility.

“The concept was to change the way companies augment and direct their creative talents. Yandiki’s mission is to transform the work world, so that young people can obtain flexible employment without needing to relocate”, she added.

Moschini, a.k.a. “Miss Internet” due to her multiple contributions regarding technology to media like CNN, declared that “working in the cloud in what ‘millennials’ are demanding”.

These young adults, who currently represent 25% of the global workforce (a figure projected to increase to 75% by the year 2020), says the entrepreneuress, are looking for work with a flexible design. They don’t want to be tied to the fixed work schedules and offices of the previous generation.

“These ‘millennials’ want to work with technology that allows them to collaborate more efficiently, and more transparently. For example, meetings being held via Skype, Hangouts, or Face Time. Our platform connects these professionals to clients, and provides a system to track the progress of tasks and projects”, she said.

The entrepreneuress also pointed out that at Yandiki “we are very successful in recruiting women who seek a balance between their personal and professional lives. These types of platforms are attractive to this demographic of the workforce, which is loaded with talent and experience, and seeking flexibility”.

She added that Yandiki is looking to create job opportunities in Spain and Latin America, a talent-rich region whose professionals, many times, are required to relocate due to lack of local opportunities and slow economic development.

“Our desire is to help talented professionals in these countries, so that they can export their services, without being required to relocate in order to do so – to create jobs, but employees are able to work from home”, she closed.